If only it had taken the same amount of time as Michael Johnson breaking the 400m world record! I realise it was an achievement, breaking a record that had stood for about 30 years, but still, it just felt like forever.

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Thanks for this. The memory of this summer has made me smile!

Ok. I am that one person that actually likes this song, although, I guess ironically, I was not one of the people who bought it. I turned 16 in the summer of 1991 and I remember being really excited by this chart-topping run as it just seemed inconceivable. It was like watching Michael Johnson smash the 400m world record or something. I have to say also that there is nothing in your list that I particularly mourn not reaching the number one spot. I think maybe this was the point when I started to get disillusioned with the charts and to listen to more alternative music.

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As a Canadian I’ve always suspected that Brian Adams would have had a much more modest career if it weren’t for the Canadian content rules mandated for Canadian broadcasters by the Broadcast Act of 1991.

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Is that a rule that means at least a certain percentage of artists played have to be Canadian? I live in Australia and we have the same thing here (…with Australian artists; it’d be weird if our rule was also with Canadian artists).

Does that Broadcast Act also explain the success of Snow?

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Use to play that song on the piano repeatedly when I was younger 💗✨💗

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There’s a podcast called Wind of Change all about how the Scorpions song was actually written by CIA operatives to spread discontent in the Soviet Union. It’s a very good show

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That’s a collection of words I never thought I’d read. That sounds completely bizarre and exactly the kind of thing I’d love, so thank you

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The Canadian government has apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions.

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I think we can all agree it’s still not enough.

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